Free Range Chicken Eggs


We often travel with our own meat and eggs! Here we were making zucchini bread on vacation.

As of November 2023 our egg production is at a hault. Please keep checking back of when we start up again.

We have raised a variety of laying hens over the years. Our favorites include Leghorns (white), Rhode Island Reds (brown), Red Sex link (brown), Easter Eggers (green/blue/pink), Olive Eggers (green), and Blue Ameraucana (blue).

Our laying hens and roosters roam about the property throughout the day and then will return to the coop at night to keep predators at bay. While most of the eggs are laid in the coop in our Best Nest Boxes, some of chickens feel the need to go rogue sending us on a literal Easter egg hunt each night. Luckily for us, the kids don’t mind. At the height of our operation, we were gathering 3-5 dozen a day!